
Sunday, January 7, 2018

First Round Robin

Our Local, Boulder River Quilt Guild, decided to participate in a Round Robin.  We split up into manageable groups, swapped our initial middle square and each subsequent person in the group added a border.  What a stressful, confidence stretching, learning and fun time it was.  All the quilts were absolutely gorgeous.  Not one ended up "ugly".  I'm quite proud of this group of ladies.  I wish I had taken pictures of everyone else's quilts.  Big oops on my part, however; pictures were taken and put on our Facebook page.

Once the last border was placed it came back to the original owner to be sandwiched, quilted, and bound.  Here is the final result:

I decided to quilt it in a leaf pattern

I put the binding on by machine, sewing to the back and turning to the front.  I love how sturdy it is and how quick to put on.  I also like how it looks when it's done.

If you ever get the chance to participate in a Round Robin, I highly recommend it.  It does stretch your limits but I know it allowed me to build more confidence and learn new techniques.

Happy Quilting!


  1. You never disappoint with your quilting! I really loved yours! Great Job you all

  2. Hello!
    I am in Butte and found one of your quilts at Goodwill. I wanted to let you know that it is GORGEOUS! I bought it, and it will be going to a wonderful home. I am a fellow quilter and understand and appreciate the hard work that went into it. Thank you for putting a label on your quilt so I could find you! A new little girl due in March will love it, her mother (my cousin) sews and appreciates the time and love that goes into such wonderfully made items.

    Your creations are wonderful! (I picked a few Bonnie quilts out! Great color choices!!)

    Thank you,

  3. Thank you! I so appreciate your comments!
